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A Rectification Manual: The American Presidency
(Regulus Astrology LLC, 2007, 796 pages, $59.95)
Available now from www.amazon.com


“A Rectification Manual brilliantly and extensively demonstrates methods for bringing exactitude back into the field of astrology.”

-- Mary Plumb, The Mountain Astrologer

 “Try to condense almost all of what you know about astrology and organize it around one method and explain it so that an intermediate or advanced student or even a practicing astrologer can understand it. The result would be a sophisticated text book of post graduate astrology, which is exactly what we have here.”

 -- Thomas Callanan, www.skyscript.co.uk


A Landmark Study in Chart Rectification

A Rectification Manual: The American Presidency presents the first synthesis of medieval astrology’s predictive techniques applied to natal chart rectification. For too many years, an incomplete predictive model has hampered efforts by astrologers to compute an accurate birth time. With no consensus on rectification methods, rectified birth times are commonly held in such disrepute they rank on par with dirty data, as defined by Astrodatabank, a leading astrology database vendor.

With the recovery of medieval predictive techniques, the era of disenchantment over rectification is now over. Not just Transits, Progressions, and Solar Arcs; but Directing by Triplicity, the Moon’s configuration, Firdaria, Zodiacal Releasing, Directing through the Bounds, Primary Directions, Profections, and Solar Return aspects to natal Hellenistic Lots fill out a complete predictive toolbox. For the first time, proper attribution between life events and corresponding predictive methods is now possible; making accurate rectification an achievable feat.

The fruits of a multi-year research project include:


  • Solution to the infamous primary direction latitude problem with the discovery of the Primary Direction Sequence, the new Holy Grail of chart rectification.
  • Discovery of a relationship which links Solar Arc and Primary Directions.
  • Rectified to-the-second birth times for each American President.
  • Each Presidential entry includes: side-by-side comparison of Firdaria and Zodiacal Releasing methods for predicting peak life periods, essential measurements in support of the proposed rectification (essential transits, solar arc and primary directions), the Victor of the Horoscope, and a complete treatment of length-of-life.


A Rectification Manual is the largest collection of natal charts subjected to medieval predictive techniques available in today’s marketplace.


Edition history  

1st edition, December 17, 2007.   

2nd edition, October 31, 2008. Added data for 2008 Presidential Contenders.  

3rd edition, September 1, 2009. New book cover, primary directions reformatted.

4th edition, March 26, 2023.

 A substantial revision with new chapters on Physiognomy and Zodiacal Releasing. Chapters on the Soul, Longevity, and Directions reflect recent research on these topics. These chapters now include tables summarizing all relevant significators for American Presidents. Rectification Case Studies were substantially revised. Appendices A and B from prior editions were removed and are now available as free downloads in a zipped folder ‘ARM 4th Edition Supplements’ available on the research tab. Included in this folder are complete chronologies for John Locke, John Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, and Benjamin Franklin. Data on First Ladies was removed from the 4th edition and will reappear as free supplemental download files in the next few years, time permitting.

 Trade Paperback. ISBN 978-0-9801856-0-7


Available now from www.amazon.com


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